Chili Security is there to make your internet usage safe. Our goal is to protect you from hostile attacks and thus keep you and your devices free of harm. We cherish your well-being and identity, and take pride in protecting you without you noticing it. We have taken our name after the world's spiciest fruit, the chili. Because its core values matches ours. A chili contains the substance capsaicin, which has both protecting and healing abilities. The result is a strengthened immune system. Chili Security's driving force is the characteristics of the chilifruit. More elaborately its signal color, strength, healing ability, attitude, reputation and power. As people and as a company, we are driven by the chili's features and core values. A protector armed and ready for battle is a good metaphor for Chili Security. The protector's task is to discover threats og defend against hostile attacks. Therefore he is fully armored. In his position of protector, the shield is his primary equipment. Our protector carries an impermeable Chili-shield, which simultaneously rejects and deters enemies. We call it "Power to protect". You are welcome to visit Chili Security on linkedin or on Facebook.
Here is a selection of danish articles, where Chili Security have participated:
Chili Security er regionsvinder af 'Danmarks sundeste arbejdsplads'
Burgerbar hacket: IT-firma får smørrebrød som tak for hjælpen
Chili Security havs several partnerships. If you are a customer of one of the companies below, we recommend that you read more on their side. Here is a selection of partnerships:
PFA and Chili Security
Glenten and Chili Security
Chili Security ApS
Thomas B. Thriges Gade 42B. 1 TV.
5000 Odense C
CVR: 35841865
Phone: +45 70605041
Questions about your product? See opening hours and contact us here.